首页 > 学术问答 > 英国 > 英国阿伯丁大学数学挂科怎么写申诉信范文


作者:海马 发布时间:2023-04-27 15:43


  因考试或课程不及格而不得不启动挂科申诉程序的学生,经常发现自己对大学挂科申诉要求的复杂性、时间压力或个人情况感到困惑。获得明年的重修或重新提交不及格的课程作业或论文的权利应该是你目前的首要任务。英国阿伯丁大学数学挂科怎么写申诉信范文?以下是有关如何撰写强有力的申诉信的一些提示。如果您仍在为这项任务而苦恼,您可以联系海马课堂的专业留学生申诉服务 ,以获得进一步指导。


  1. 分析自己的错误





  如果之前发现的故障因素在未来再次出现,你会怎么做?如果你会再次失败并且只是浪费你所在学院或大学的时间和资源,为什么委员会还要再给你一次机会呢?要想获得申诉成功,您需要向他们展示您应对上述挑战的更强大的新的改进计划。每个人都会犯错误,但您必须证明自己有能力从过去的经验中吸取教训。 例如,如果你的学术技能是失败的先决条件之一,你可以表明你愿意参加的额外课程来学习如来提升学术能力。


  Dear Dean Brown,

  My name is Aaron Smith and I am a 2nd year law student here at ABC University School of Law. I am writing to appeal the grade I received in my Contracts II Course for Fall Semester. I believe there were situations that were beyond my control that contributed to my low grade, and had circumstances been more typical of a normal Contracts II Course I would have scored a much higher grade than the D that was posted.

  As you know, Dr. Phillip Lee has experienced some serious health problems over the last 3 months. While I am very sympathetic to Dr. Lee’s health issues and wish him all the best for a full recovery, I do not think it is right that his health problems should mar my otherwise stellar record at ABC. Out of 24 lecture classes scheduled fall semester, Dr. Lee missed 15 which is over half.

  We had no book for the class, only lecture notes. Our syllabus indicated that we would have 6 tests that counted for 10% of our grade and a final exam that would count for 40%. We only had 2 tests, each counting 10% of our grade and the final exam counted for 80%! There were items on the final that were never covered in class. I know for a fact that the highest grade in the class was a C and that I am not the only student filing an appeal.

  I would greatly appreciate it if you would look at my record at ABC University School of Law along with Dr. Lee’s attendance in class and reconsider my grade in this Contracts II Course. I am happy to do extra work over the fall break and take the other tests we were never given. Thank you for your consideration.


  以上关于“英国阿伯丁大学数学挂科怎么写申诉信范文”的介绍就到这里,更多留学问题欢迎留学生们咨询海马课堂的老师。海马课堂拥有8年留学教育行业经验,严选QS前100严选QS前100名校毕业的优秀硕博导师,师资实力雄厚,中英双语教学,1v1定制化辅导,全线规划留学生的学习,贴心TAPS 3V1服务,专注于解决留学生在留学中遇到的课程、论文、作业、考试、申诉等问题,帮助留学生高效学习,成功留学。


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