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Dear Prof xxxxxx,(第一、全名。第二、抬头到底用Prof还是Dr,meeloun的建议是看官网老师的介绍处,有的老师即使是Professor,在介绍处也写Dr,有可能是ta比较喜欢这样被称呼,写Dr是完全没问题的。)
I hope this email finds you well. (一般第一封邮件写一个greeting,后面继续邮件往来可省去。)
I am Yu Hao, you can call me Leo, writing from Singapore, where I have been living for 6 years, as a potential PhD candidate. I am wondering if you would like to be my supervisor if I succeed the application through the xxxxxxx University. (开宗明义。介绍自己时,最开始的几句介绍一定是你认为你跟别人最不一样的。比如我想强调自己的国际化,那么我告诉ta我正在新加坡并且已经待了很久,就希望让ta知道我的这个情况,其他情况后面再说。另外,你的邮件的目的一定要在尽可能早的地方出现,比如我现在就是第三句话就出来了,他有个概念后面会说啥。不要写了像我这么长的邮件然后最后再说你的诉求,可能别人没看到诉求那块就已经把这封邮件扔一边了。)
I have a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature and a master’s degree of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages from Wuhan University, a top 10 in China. Three years ago, I got my MBA from Lancaster University, UK. I believe my interdisciplinary academic background will be helpful to solve the questions that pushed me to pursue a PhD study. (学术背景介绍,简单明了。知道自己的学术背景哪里可以突出,知道给自己的学术背景一个定性。当然,这一段也要看具体情况来决定要不要,因为学术背景其实在你cv上也能看到。放在这里也是给大家一个参考。)
I am 34 and I have about 10 years of working experience in higher education institutions, such as Wuhan University and King’s College London. I am now a business owner to help Chinese applicants study overseas and this job, along with my whole working experience, has shaped my thoughts on a topic that I want to understand thoroughly during the next couple of years. (你不一定要说年龄,但是我要说。为什么?因为这是我的特点,未必是你的。我10年的工作经历也会是我区别于像正在读这篇文章的你的特质,那么我当然也可以写,对不对?至于怎么写,还是一样突出重点,不要废话,给出有效信息,并且自己要告诉对方,这样的经历特点对于申请乃至做PhD研究有什么影响或帮助。)
My interest of research is to understand the current transformation within the Study Abroad Industry in China with the increasing trend of using new technologies and new business models such as Social Networking and Influencer Marketing, and to analyse the impact of such new transformation on the huge Study Abroad market, including that on both service providers and customers, in China. (研究目标)This research will be started with a question of ‘Influenced by the latest digital technologies, is there a new business model emerging in the Study Abroad industry in China and, if so, where does it go and how should existing business and newcomers adopt it?’(研究问题) As a micro Influencer myself with 7000+ genuine followers in social media and a business owner in the industry, I am planning to interview and survey business owners, admissions consultants, and past and potential applicants to understand the new trends of the industry and try to answer my research questions.(研究方法) China is a unique place to study this topic because of its huge international students exporting and its rapid development of Internet-related technologies. Besides, its relatively close environment that blocks the popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter gives this research a pragmatic meaning to people who are interested in doing business in China because what they learned about Facebook and Twitter might not be practical at all in China.(研究影响) I believe this research would be not only meaningful but also interesting and exciting.(上面的几个括号应该很好地总结了这一段,那就是你要用比较简练的方式告诉对方你的Research Proposal是什么,已经做到什么程度了,来让ta判断ta可不可以带,想不想带,愿不愿意带。对不对?)
Your teaching and research in the broad area of entrepreneurship and business strategy, especially in SMEs, will be of great help to give me advice on my research. (ta的研究领域) I find your latest paper, An examination of SME social media use in xxxxxxxx, has asked some questions that I am also interested in.(ta的研究成果) I am glad to see that your current supervision, which is xxxxxxx’s 'The 21st century xxxxxxx dilemma: To preserve xxxxxxx or to innovate and adapt to modernism?', resembles some of my ideas in my research since the culture of education in China is definitely strong and influential, so is China’s modernisation. (ta正在带的学生)I hope my study will also complement your research and other interests. I appreciate that xxxxx gives every PhD candidate a wonderful and supportive environment to conduct the research with great supervisors and colleagues. Hence, I am very much looking forward to working with you.(这一段你要表明你对ta是深思熟虑过的,ta的研究领域如何跟你有关,ta的成果如何跟你有关,ta的博士生如何可以跟你互相学习互相进步等等。我在这一段不能给你们展开,但这一段的内容是一个很好的框架,你们可以根据自己的情况补充完善,让它变得更有说服力!)
While my research proposal is being finalised, I hope my attached CV can give you a more thorough impression of me. I expect to hear your kind response and, if possible, have a further discussion with you about my research. Thank you!(如果你RP已经写好了,那就直接给它,如果没有,可以像这封信一样先给cv后面补RP。但照经验来看,肯定是带着RP写所谓“套辞信”的成功几率更大的,因为它非常切实地表明了你“准备好了”!)
Best regards,
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