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作者:海马 发布时间:2022-12-06 10:11

要写出一篇好的论文,你应该彻底选择你的教育研究课题和论文作者。古典方案被认为是坚实而不可动摇的,但将它们转移到当前的技术和可能性的世界中,看起来就像在现代环境中重新播放 "罗密欧与朱丽叶 "一样迷人和新鲜。



你还在想 "如何写我的研究论文 "以及从哪里开始?请看看我们为您选择的关于教育的样本题目。它们可能会给你带来灵感,让你寻找更多的东西,使你的教育研究论文成为真正伟大的论文。


1、The development of critical thinking as the primary goal of the educational process

2、The evolution of approaches to education throughout history

3、Education and modern technologies, their positive and negative impact

4、Virtual reality worlds and education. Virtual classes and research rooms

5、The overview of the main modern approaches to education

6、Sex education: pros and cons

7、Education and gender: same-sex school and their comparison to the mixed-sex ones

8、Theoretical education vs practical education

9、The phenomenon of apprenticeship and its role in developing systems of education

10、What is considered basic education in different countries and why?

11、Preschool education: knowledge or social skills?

12、Shall the development of emotional intelligence be one of the goals of modern education?

13、Educational discrimination and its impact on the future of the pupils

14、Education and socialization of mentally challenged people. Similarities and differences.

15、Inclusive classes: how do pupils in such classes perform in comparison with non-inclusive ones?

16、Bell Curve controversy. How should grades be calculated?

17、Do we still need grades in the modern educational system?

18、Education and motivation:how to make pupils interested how to make pupils interested

19、How can modern education be compared with classical school education?

20、Bullying and unhealthy psychological atmosphere in class. Its impact on the quality of education

21、Shall parents be involved in the educational process?

22、Does education ever stop or it continues during the entire life?

23、Censorship and education. Shall we protect the students or guide them through everything they want to know?

24、Dress code and school rules. Are some of them outdated?

25、The role of discipline in education and its impact on the process of learning

26、Information overload:the bane of the modern world. How can we help the students to deal with it?

27、Summaries, audiobooks, and online problem solvers. Can the classical educational system endure this?

28、The authority of the teacher and its role in the educational process.

29、What qualities are essential for a modern teacher

30、Education and religion. Religious needs of the students. What if religion forbids some aspects of the study?

31、The Internet: the huge library and a very unsafe place. How to help students use it safely for educational purposes?

32、Standardized testing: a conventional way of checking the results of education or a new caste system?

33、Private education: what shall be in the school to get a license?

34、The history of the greatest universities in the world. What makes them so great now?

35、Alternative schooling: the main approaches and the results of it

36、Shall the development of personal morals be a part of school education?

37、Multicultural education. The teacher as a mediator if the cultural clash occurs.

38、Shall the teacher only teach? The role of a teacher as a negotiator and moral guide.

39、Response to Intervention (RTI): how shall it work?

40、School violence, dealing with it and minimizing harm.

以上就是关于杜伦大学40个优秀的教育研究论文题目,海马课堂论文辅导针对性解决论文难题,2100+海外学霸tutor团队,可辅导500+专业,根据学生的论文要求和辅导需求,以传授该论文的写作方法和得分技巧为主要目的,采用视频1V1的上课方式,针对学生的需求进行专属备课和授课,导师帮助分析论文作业题目要求,确定Topic和Title、讲解论文Topic相关课程知识点和理论、梳理写作思路提供详细的Outline、提供完整的Reference List,讲解Reference在文中的使用,让学生真正学会海外学术写作,提升论文GPA!


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